In order to make this website more visually appealing, we searched the Internet for some “free to use” stock photos to include. It is also worth noting that these photos can be used freely for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Although it is not required to credit or attribute the photographers, in order to encourage them to continue sharing their great work, we have included their names and a link to their profiles below:

Jacqueline O’Gara

Jonny Gios

Pk Kashyap

Chris Mells

ian kelsall

If you’re looking for free stock photos to use on your own creative projects, we used the following websites:


Also, thank you to Gordon Dylan Johnson (@GDJ) for the Fern Leaf silhouette we used in the Parnam logo.

Web Design Macclesfield

Melted Media are an agency specialising in web design and development. They are based in Macclesfield, Cheshire, 20 miles south of Manchester. Established in July 2002, Melted Media provide web design in Macclesfield for local businesses.

If you need web design in Macclesfield then follow the link.